I am an experienced Portuguese teacher, who makes the process of learning learning languages easy
Was online 8 months agoTeachesEnglishPortugueseSpeaksPortuguese(Native), EnglishSpecialtiesDo businessTalk with peopleLearn basicsFor kidsImprove proficiencyInterests
Equal rights
I was born in Angola, I spent my childhood in Portugal and migrate to South Africa, and spent 6 years there, where I got my bachelor's degree, I am a native Portuguese speaker and I speak English fluent, I am passionate about languages and teaching, I love traveling and experience different cultures,
With 4 years of experience in giving private Portuguese lessons, I use a method that enables, anyone who is interested in learning one of the most romantic languages in the world, to speak and understand it in a short period of time starting from the very
I am a very motivated tutor, I like to make my students comfortable to learn and ask about anything that is not clear during the classes, I use a very effective method that allows students to be confident and engaging, and interested in the classes