Certified ESL Teacher
Was online 8 months agoTeachesEnglishFilipinoSpeaksEnglish(Native), FilipinoSpecialtiesTalk with peopleLearn basicsImprove proficiencyInterests
Hello there! I'm Teacher John, 23 years of age and I am from the Philippines. I love English, and I used to read books whenever I have spare time. During weekends, I love to bond my family and my friends. I sometimes sing and dance. I love doing adventurous activities, and I also like to play a guitar.
ACADSOC [ Online English Teacher]
[JUNE 2019 – AUGUST 2020]
- Handles trial classes
- Completed TESOL trainings
- Teaching Chinese Students with their grammar and pronunciations
ITUTORGROUP [English as Second Language Teacher]
I don't have specific types of Teaching style because I use to be natural and give what my students need. My teaching style is depends on the students and I let the student choose the lesson that they want.