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Language Learning

Lots of exciting information about languages, their history, and tips on learning them. Become a polyglot with us!

Benefits Of Learning a New Language

Main Reasons And Benefits Of Learning a New Language

There are, of course, many benefits to studying languages, for leisure or professional development. In this article, I give my list of what I believe to be the best 5 things about learning a new language. 1. Being able to speak more than one language will make you less likely to develop dementia later in life, and this is a huge benefit to your mental health. 2. Being able to speak a foreign language will make you more employable, as language skills are very useful for businesses. This can gi

Why to Learn New Words

Why to Learn New Words And How to Do It Effectively

Learning English and any other new language could be a challenging task, but it is not impossible. There have been so many success stories. Each of these success stories is satisfying and unique. Stories filled with dedication and commitment from both students and tutors. Words are the building blocks of any language The more words you know, the higher you can build. However, just knowing the words is not enough, it is of great importance to know how to use these words in sentences and how to

How to Teach English to Kids

How to Teach English to Kids and Make Learning Fun

Teaching English to a young child can feel like the start of an exciting journey together. Start by incorporating English into the simple moments of your day.

Untranslatable English Words

12 Untranslatable English Words You Should Learn

In this blog, we will look at some common and uncommon untranslatable English words, what they mean, and how they are used in English.

Break Through a Language Learning Plateau

8+1 Ways to Break Through a Language Learning Plateau

With the term “learning plateau,” we can describe the situation in which a learner feels that they are not making significant progress in the skill they are trying to master.

stop stumbling over words

Stumbling Over Words? Here’s What You Should Do

You are not alone when it comes to stumbling over words. This issue is not just due to a speech impediment. Many other factors can contribute, such as anxiety or a limited vocabulary.

Learning a Language as an Adult

Learning a Language as an Adult: Is It Possible to Achieve the Mastery?

The earlier you start learning, the more incredible results you can reach. But is it unwavering truth?