Language Learning
Lots of exciting information about languages, their history, and tips on learning them. Become a polyglot with us!

Learning Brazilian Portuguese: The Beginning of a Cultural Path
Brazil is often known for Bossa nova, beaches, and the Amazon rainforest. Those are really important things for the world’s culture and environment, but there’s a fundamental aspect of Brazil that is often not mentioned: the profoundness of its people and places. That means, in cultural, linguistic, and social expressions, as well as in amazing landscapes, Brazil translates as gratitude for living. When I teach Brazilian Portuguese, since the first course, I try to show my students this deepnes

What is the Boogeyman in Different Cultures Across the Globe?
The Boogeyman is a mythical creature from folklore around the world, used by authority figures as a threat to scare naughty children.

7 Tips For Presenting & Public Speaking
In fact, a recent study showed that public speaking was voted scarier than death or spiders, which shows just how much people dislike it! I used to hate presenting, but now I enjoy it because I learned how to do it properly, and I’d like to help you with that today. Don’t worry about your accent Now, let’s get into my first tip. This one is especially important for non-native speakers: don’t stress about your accent. Forget about it! Instead of focusing on reducing your accent, work on improv

Pronunciation Myths: Let’s Set the Record Straight!
Sounding like a native speaker One myth I often hear is that you have to sound like a native speaker to be understood in English. This belief can put a lot of pressure on learners and lead to anxiety about speaking. Many people feel that if they don’t achieve that native-like accent, they will not be taken seriously or understood. However, while clear pronunciation is important, effective communication is really about clarity, not perfection. Many non-native speakers communicate successfully ev

The Reasons Why We Should Learn Spanish
Spanish is among the most widely spoken languages in the world and is spoken in Central America, South America, parts of the United States, Spain, and the Philippines. It is a great opportunity that will give us benefits, as I will explain below: 1. It can help us expand our horizons, allowing us to meet new people, trade with other countries, recruit staff for remote work, learn new cultures, and travel on vacation in America, among other things. 2. Transnational companies value whether an e

Proven Tips For Learning Hungarian
Take language classes for beginners The help of a tutor makes learning easier for you. You can always ask a question and get an answer to all your doubts. Try the LiveXP trial lesson, and you will see that working with a tutor helps a LOT. It will give you some basic pronunciation/grammar/language structure tools that help you initially and later. Learn the Hungarian language every day Even if it’s just 10-15 minutes a day, ten minutes is better than nothing, and you can learn a lot in that

Myth or Not: Is Polish Really Hard to Learn?
It can be seen that Polish is indeed difficult, especially for beginners. However, after overcoming the initial problems explained above, it turns out that learning Polish isn’t that scary.

How to Get Back Your Language Knowledge From School
We’re going to take a look at how you can go back to learning a language after years without practice and share some tips for remembering previously known vocabulary.