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Learning English and any other new language could be a challenging task, but it is not impossible. There have been so many success stories. Each of these success stories is satisfying and unique. Stories filled with dedication and commitment from both students and tutors.

Words are the building blocks of any language

The more words you know, the higher you can build. However, just knowing the words is not enough, it is of great importance to know how to use these words in sentences and how to use them in our daily life events.

Knowing 5-10 words each day and how to use them effectively is of greater value than knowing 50 words in a day and being ignorant of how to use them in sentences. Applying newly learned words to our daily life activities gives us a deeper understanding of them.

Learning new words should be fun and comfortable

One must learn them according to their level of English and their capacity. If a student studies an average of 3 new words each day for a week, he is guaranteed about 21 words a week and 84 words a month. As a beginner these are quite impressive numbers for a dedicated student.

Here are a few words to add to your vocabulary and how to use them in sentences.

  1. Advise (verb)
  • The S is pronounced [Z].
  • Meaning: This is an act of giving a suggestion, opinion, counseling, recommendation, or information.
  • Present tense(Pr/t): advise.
I advise students on their projects each year.
  • Past tense(P/t): advised.
I advised Zlata on her project last year.
  • Past participle(P/P): have/has advised.
I have advised Zlata on her science project.

2.   Advice (noun)

  • Meaning: This is a suggestion, opinion, counseling, recommendation, or information.


I got advice from Nika last week to study hard. Her advice helped me pass my exams last week.

3.   Forget (verb)

A. (not deliberate): Unable to remember information or how to do something.


I forgot to lock the door last night
He forgets to set an alarm each night no wonder he is always late for work.

B. (Deliberately): Stop remembering  /thinking about something.

Forget about this trip. We don’t have money to travel this summer.
Forget what he said, he was only joking.

4.   Forgive (verb)

Stop feeling angry or mad at someone.

  • (Pr/t)Forgive.
  • (P/t)Forgave.
  • (P/P)Forgiven.


She forgave Karen for spreading false news about her.
Sandra has forgiven Mark for breaking her heart.
  • Forgive — to cancel (a debt):
China has decided to forgive our debt.
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