Certified KR & JP prof with 20 yrs of teaching experience & a Ph.D. degree in Linguistic PsychologyHi, I’m Yoshi, a professional Korean and Japanese language instructor based in Seoul, South Korea. I am a professor in the International Studies Department at Seoul Digital University, as well as a senior researcher and lecturer at Seoul National University. I also serve as a lecturer at the Seoul office of the Japan Foundation, the organization responsible for developing the JLPT. Additionally, I frequently appear on Korean television and Japanese radio programs.
I’m passionate about teaching and traveling, having visited over 50 countries. I love meeting people, learning about different cultures, and supporting students on their language learning journey. Mastering a language opens doors to new knowledge and friendships across cultural boundaries!
Being an online tutor brings me a completely different kind of joy compared to my workplaces responsibilities. It allows me to share the Korean and Japanese languages with people from entirely different backgrounds around the world.
Speaks JapaneseNative
, English, KoreanInterestsBusinessForeign culturesMusicTravelingNews