Certified ESL teacher
Was online 2 years agoTeachesEnglishSwedishSpeaksEnglishSpecialtiesTalk with peopleLearn basicsFor kidsImprove proficiency
My name is Anita. I am from South Africa in a beautiful city Port Elizabeth. I am 25years old. My hobbies are traveling, reading books, cooking, baking, and binging on movie series and my interests are meeting other people and learning about other cultures.
I am an TEFL certified teacher by the Professional Development Institution. I have taught for 2years offline from kids, teenagers, to adults. I teach general intermediate English were we will be learning in form of conversation exchanging interests, goal
My lessons are always lively, filled with enjoyable activities and beneficial to my students. I use various teaching methodologies, props, flash cards, and a white board to accomplish the desired goal. I make use of Total Physical Response and Communicative Approach to convey the knowledge to my students. I am always polite to my students and I'm patient with them, I pay attention to every detail in my academic environment.