Viktoriia Kosmina

I am a teacher of Russian and Ukrainian as foreign languages, and I have many years of experience.

Tricky Russian

Tricky Russian: “В словарЕ” but “в тетрадИ”. Why?

Today, we study the usage of the locative case for nouns ending with the soft sign. Probably everyone who starts learning Russian as a foreign language would call such an “illogical” thing surprising or even outrageous: 1. Студент пишет диктант в тетради. 2. Студент смотрит новое слово в словаре. Indeed, both nouns end with the soft sign in the nominative case: тетрадь, словарь! Fortunately, there is still some logic behind it. Remember, there are 3 genders in the Russian language: masculin

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