How to use “continually” vs. “continuously” with example sentences
The words continually and continuously are very similar, and yet have slight nuances that many people are not aware of. In fact, these two terms cannot be used interchangeably.
Who was “the face that launched a thousand ships” and why?
Nowadays, we might use this quote to say that a woman is stunningly beautiful, just like Helen of Troy.
When and how to use the first, second, and third person with examples
The first, second, and third person are different grammatical perspectives. These points of view help distinguish between the speaker, addressee, and others.
Understanding what an em dash is and when to use it
The em dash is used when you want a strong break in a sentence. Instead of commas, colons/semicolons and parentheses are often used.
FYI Meaning And Its Use in Formal And Informal Contexts
FYI is an abbreviation of “for your information.” This phrase informs the addressee that the message that follows is simply to provide information and requires no action on their part.
The “AFK” Meaning in the Gaming Community And Other Online Chatrooms
AFK is an abbreviation of the phrase “away from keyboard.” It is an initialism, meaning that it takes the first letter of each word to create a new term that’s shorter and easier to type.
How to use an En Dash correctly when writing
En dashes are short dashes that show the range between two figures.
Examples of how and when to use an apostrophe
No matter whether you learned English from birth or have only started learning recently, you will undoubtedly have had trouble with apostrophes.