Beth Taylor

Hello! My name is Beth. I'm from France. I'm a French and English native speaker and I really like writing.

That vs. which

When to Use “That” vs. “Which” and the Clauses They Introduce

The rules for understanding the different uses of “that” and “which” are relatively straightforward, in that any defining clause requires “that,” while any non-defining clause requires “which.”

What Are Conjunctions?

How to Use a Grammatical Conjunction Correctly with Examples

To put it simply, conjunctions are small words used between other words, clauses, or sentences to connect them.

Whoever or whomever

The Difference Between Whoever vs. Whomever and When to Use Them

Whoever and whomever are often used interchangeably. People mistakenly believe that whomever is more formal, when in fact, they have completely different meanings.

Lier or Liar? What to Use?

Lier or Liar? What to Use?

The word lier is so uncommon that 9 times out of 10, the word you’re looking for will in fact be liar.