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Aneeca Younas

Hi! Mu name is Aneeca. I am a professional content writer, with over 13 years of experience in content writing. And I'm here to help you.

Spelled vs. Spelt

Spelled or Spelt: Choose Carefully!

Spelled is considered the correct past tense for the word to spell in America and Canada, although spelt is sometimes also used. Irregular verb forms such as spelt, dreamt, and burnt are used colloquially in the US but generally should be avoided in formal writing.

Cringey Or Cringy: Which Is Right?

Cringey Or Cringy: Which Is Right?

Which spelling is correct? Let’s find out together.

As Well As With a Comma: Yes or No?

As Well As With a Comma: Yes or No?

Usually, you do not need to put a comma before “as well as.”

What is “Full-Proof”?

What is “Full-Proof”?

Most people are familiar with the definition of foolproof, but what about the full-proof?

Nerve-Wracking or Nerve-Racking — Which Spelling is Correct?

Nerve-Wracking or Nerve-Racking — Which Spelling is Correct?

Nerve-wracking and nerve-racking are two very similar-looking words. But are there any differences between them both?

When to Use a Comma Before “While”?

When to Use a Comma Before “While”?

There are several principles to keep in mind when using a comma before while.

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