Level up your language skills with LiveXP online tutors


Why choose LiveXP

All-in-one platform

All-in-one platform

Browse all tutors and use whiteboard, notes, and vocabulary in one place.

Perfect tutor match

Perfect tutor match

Find a tutor who shares your interests so you actually enjoy your lessons.

Learn with any tutor

Learn with any tutor

No need to commit to one tutor forever. Switch tutors any time you want.

Track your progress

Track your progress

Never lose sight of where and how quickly you’re going.

Lesson notes

Lesson notes

Jot down all the important stuff. Your tutor can do the same.

Personal vocabulary

Personal vocabulary

Make your own list of words that you feel you need to know.

How LiveXP works

LiveXP is a platform where you can learn a language online with tutors who share your interests. This way, you’re not learning with a stranger. You’re learning with a friend!

Find your perfect tutor

Choose a tutor with interests similar to yours, and your lessons will never be boring.

Wide range of plans for anyone

Choose a learning plan that you are comfortable with.

Simple planning

Set up your personal schedule and track your progress in a single dashboard.

Take notes on every lesson

Don’t forget the crucial stuff. Take notes during lessons and use them later as a refresher.

Learn new words with Word Trainer

Our spaced repetition algorithm helps with memorizing efficiently.

Track your progress

We’ll make sure to remind you of your achievements, so you know you rock!

Why people trust LiveXP


I’m very glad I found LiveXP. My knowledge of English was pretty basic. I needed to have a higher level in three months to get a job. I had a teacher before, but I couldn’t see any results. My sister recommended trying LiveXP. I found a great and passionate teacher Nataly. What I like the most about LiveXP is that you have everything in one place. It’s very easy to use, track your lessons, use a chat, receive reminders, etc. Managing the lessons is also pretty smooth: it’s easy to schedule the lessons whenever you need and reschedule them in case of an emergency. And, as to the progress,—I received a job after the interview. I continue learning English and improving my knowledge.

Eric Derton

I’ve been using LiveXP for learning Spanish for 6 months. I can say that the platform provides excellent service. When trying my first tutor, he missed a lesson and didn't want to reschedule it. So, LiveXP has a great support team. They refunded me that lesson quite quickly. I found another good tutor and had a great experience. I learn Spanish with her for 6 months and will continue doing it at LiveXP. Also, they have really cool blog. Recommend using it!


I haven’t heard about this educational platform before (it's a relatively new one). But I decided to give it a shot anyway, had a trial English lesson with Senka, and didn't regret it a single bit. Very professional tutor, funny conversation, and a convenient platform. Will use it consistently from now on.


I use LiveXP for my daughter. She is 8 y.o. She learns Spanish. I can see that she is really looking forward to her lessons. She likes the teacher and how everything is going. And she figured out how the platform works and how to join the lesson more quickly than me. Starting from the first lesson, I don’t help her with it. She schedules lessons and chats with the teacher on her own. It says that LiveXP is very easy to use.


After a trial lesson in German I had on LiveXP, the teacher sent me a learning plan he created based on my level and goal. That impressed me. He spent his time creating it, and the platform gives such an opportunity. I accepted his plan and bought a subscription. And I don’t regret it. 2 months passed and I am closer and closer to my goal in German. It makes me happy.

Book a 30-minute trial lesson for $ 3.49!

If you’re not satisfied with your trial lesson, we’ll offer a lesson with another tutor or a full refund!

Help your employees learn languages. With us.

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Track progress

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1-on-1 lessons

1-on-1 lessons

Each employee has lessons with qualified tutors

Billing done simply

Billing done simply

Just one invoice for all employees, with no unnecessary hassle

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Personal manager

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