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Nina Stankovic

I have a Master's Degree in Physics and a Bachelor's Degree in Natural Science. I have a general interest in technology, the environment, travel, and spirituality.

How to speak professional English

Mastering How to Speak Professional English

Mastering professional English, like any language, demands dedication and unwavering effort.

German learning guide

Unlocking Path to German Fluency: A Complete German Study Guide

There is only one truth—there is no magic potion, and there is no answer to the question of how much I can learn the German language.


The Italian Word “Capiche”: The Meaning and Spelling in English

Capiche has its roots in Latin from the Latin word capere, which means “to take, catch, comprehend.”


The Secrets of Yiddish: Is It a “Dying” Language?

In this article, we delve into the origins of Yiddish, explore its current status, and uncover the efforts made to preserve and revitalize this beloved language.

English Proverbs

English Proverbs: Opening Wisdom in Concise Phrases

Explore a selection of the most useful English proverbs and their meanings and provide examples to illustrate their relevance in everyday life.

Learn Ital

The Question: Is Italian Hard to Learn?

Fortunately, mastering some of the vocabulary and grammar of Italian may not be too challenging for English speakers.

Italian vs. French

Italian or French? Do You Know What the Easiest Language to Learn Is?

Learning French is not challenging, especially for those who are proficient in English.

Valentine's Day vocabulary

Top 10 English Phrases to Expand Your Valentine’s Day Vocabulary

Here are ten sweet phrases, verbs, and nouns for Valentine’s Day to help you express your love in English.

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