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It’s been a couple of years since everyone and their grandmother realized that all kinds of stuff can be done online—including language tuition. The advantages are clear. You get to choose between lots of people. The prices are competitive and significantly lower than those in on-site schools. It has become a new norm to get advice like “Why don’t you find someone online?”

It is also common to hear that a friend or colleague of yours tried to learn a language with the help of someone online, but it didn’t work. They had found a qualified person with a great portfolio, but something was missing. They just weren’t compatible. That person tried again—without success, and eventually gave up. They may have told you that finding the right teacher is like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are numerous online teachers out there, but reviewing endless lists of online profiles to find a perfect match makes you quit because—no matter how well you set your criteria, you just never know what it would be like actually to have conversations with that person.

Sounds scary, I know, but don’t quit. It is not that hard to find a teacher for yourself (or your children). All you need is a good strategy and following a couple of steps.

The proven steps to finding a great language tutor online

Usually, when people decide to learn a new language online, they choose between group classes in a language school, recorded online courses, and private lessons with a tutor. The last option is the best one if you want to progress and feel comfortable. Some privacy, flexibility, human interaction, and the feeling of relaxed learning cannot be considered in the first two options.

Luckily, there are plenty of online resources where you can find a language tutor. Stay away from a haystack and follow this route to find a perfect tutor today.

Figuring out how online tutoring works

Knowing the structure of online tutoring sessions helps you know what to expect and what to look for in a teacher. Basically, online tutoring involves one-on-one sessions with a tutor over a video call. The sessions are usually scheduled at a time that suits both you and the tutor. You need to be prepared to communicate through a screen, and you should ensure you have a reliable internet connection and a quiet space for learning.

To make the most of the online sessions with your future tutor, you absolutely need to be comfortable in this situation. That’s why you need to pick a tutor whose communication style is compatible with your own. This chemistry is important—it is just as important as a tutor’s qualifications and experience. But if you really want to get a chance to choose the perfect person and not just be assigned to someone you haven’t chosen (like in language schools with group lessons)—begin by finding the best language tutoring platform.

Finding the best platform for online tutoring services

Specialized platforms allow tutors to use various tools and resources such as digital whiteboards, screen sharing, and interactive exercises. These are life-savers and definitely something to look for when choosing a platform. LiveXP teachers can share materials, track your progress, and give you feedback through the platform. Both sides can take notes during each lesson, and there’s no need to switch to a different screen. You can communicate face-to-face and take notes at the same time. In addition, you can practice new vocabulary in the LiveXP app. The Word Trainer feature is available on your mobile device to help you learn new words and phrases through interactive exercises based on a spaced repetition method.

Another important aspect is understanding the flexibility that online tutoring offers. Unlike traditional tutoring, online can be more adaptable to your schedule. It is good to know that booked sessions on LiveXP can be canceled or rescheduled with prior notice. This flexibility can be very helpful if you have a busy or unpredictable schedule—and even if you don’t, it is good to know that the lessons you buy on LiveXP won’t just expire.

The most important feature of a good language learning school is that it gives you a chance to choose your tutors and even get a trial class free of charge. A significant disadvantage of many online language schools is the inability to choose someone according to your preferences and not knowing who you’ll be learning with until the first lesson. This lack of choice can lead to mismatched teaching styles, goals, and personalities. As a result, your progress could be slower, as well as your overall satisfaction. On LiveXP, you can see tutors’ profiles, which include their qualifications, teaching experience, and reviews from other students. This platform also offers something that no other does: free trial lesson. Having a trial lesson before committing to long-term studying is crucial because it allows you to assess the tutor’s teaching style, communication skills, and how well they understand your learning objectives.

It’s always helpful to know the typical costs associated with online tutoring. Costs on some platforms can vary widely depending on the tutor’s experience, the length and frequency of sessions, and the language being taught. The situation is much more transparent on LiveXP. The price is always the same, which makes it easy to switch tutors or languages—or combine two or more of them—without the need to update your subscription plan. The best thing is that you can get a free 30-minute trial lesson with any tutor on the platform. You no longer have to pay for classes with teachers that aren’t a perfect match for you.

Running a focused search to identify the tutors who meet your criteria

A focused search allows you to filter tutors based on their first and second languages, as well as their locations. If you are looking to learn Spanish and you prefer a native Spanish speaker from a particular Spanish-speaking country, you can use this filter. This ensures that the tutors you see are proficient in the language you want to learn and can offer authentic pronunciation and cultural insights. Additionally, if you want a tutor who also speaks your native language, you can add that to your search criteria. This can be especially helpful for beginners who might need explanations in their first language.

LiveXP has other equally helpful search filters. It allows you to find tutors with specific interests. This ensures you have more engaging lessons with a teacher who has the same hobbies.

Another important filter is whether the tutor provides lessons to kids. If you are searching for a tutor for your child, you can use this filter to find tutors who have experience and materials suited for younger learners. Tutors who specialize in teaching kids usually use more engaging and age-appropriate methods, which can make a significant difference in your child’s learning experience.

Reviewing profiles and analyzing video overviews

Reviewing profiles helps you gather detailed information about each tutor on LiveXP. Profiles typically include the tutor’s qualifications, teaching experience, and areas of expertise.

Tutor profiles often contain information about their teaching style and methodology. For example, some tutors might focus on conversational practice, while others might emphasize grammar and vocabulary.

Watching and analyzing video overviews helps you get a picture of their personality, communication skills, and enthusiasm for teaching. Furthermore, they can give you a sense of the tutor’s accent and pronunciation, which is particularly important for language learning. If you are looking to improve your spoken language skills, it’s beneficial to choose a tutor whose pronunciation you find easy to understand and emulate.

The final and most important step: trial lesson

The steps mentioned above are only half of the journey. Profile overviews may be written by chatbots. Video overviews can be meticulously prepared and rehearsed. The only 100% effective way to assess a tutor’s qualities and whether they’re right for you is to talk to them in person. For that reason, LiveXP allows you to have one free trial lesson with any teacher on the platform.

Trial lessons give you a firsthand experience of each tutor’s teaching style and methods. During these sessions, pay attention to how the tutor interacts with you, explains concepts, and responds to your questions. A good tutor should be patient, clear in their explanations, and able to adapt their teaching methods to suit your learning style. Trial lessons also allow you to assess the tutor’s ability to cater to your specific learning goals, like improving conversational skills, preparing for a language proficiency exam, or learning a business language. Observe how the tutor plans to help you achieve these goals and whether they provide relevant materials and exercises. A tutor who tailors the lesson to your needs and shows a clear plan for your progress is likely to be more effective in helping you reach your targets.

After conducting trial lessons with several shortlisted tutors, compare your experiences. Reflect on which tutor made you feel most comfortable, understood your goals, and demonstrated the ability to help you achieve them. Consider factors such as teaching style, communication skills, adaptability, and overall rapport. It also may happen that the first tutor you had a free trial lesson with on LiveXP is your perfect match. Just proceed with the subscription purchase and continue mastering your target language. If the first tutor didn’t meet your expectations, just try another trial lesson for the price of a cup of coffee.

These are some general guidelines, but actually, you don’t have to have a scientific approach when assessing the success of a trial lesson. You’ve already got this far. You’ve shortlisted the candidates. You’ve had trial lessons with those you found most qualified. Now see if you really like them. Ask yourself if you’re looking forward to the next lesson. You can trust your gut feeling completely and begin with regular lessons. And even if, at some point in the future, you decide to try again and find someone else—just switch to another tutor anytime with your LiveXP subscription and enjoy your journey.

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