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Find correct options for writing and using some words and expressions

Yours faithfully vs. Yours sincerely

Yours Faithfully vs. Yours Sincerely

How you complimentary close sign-off a letter is important as it determines your relationship with the recipient. Factors such as who the letter is addressed to and the degree of formality should be considered.

“Split” Past Tense and Other Irregular Verbs

“Split” Past Tense and Other Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs generally don’t form their simple past tense or past participle by adding “-d” or “-ed” to their stem word. They do not comply with the regular grammatical rules. “Split” is a major example.

Children’s or Childrens’? Which of the Possessive Nouns is Correct

Children’s or Childrens’? Which of the Possessive Nouns is Correct

The question of where to put ’s for the Possessive Case sometimes can be baffling because of all these rules and exceptions. Let's see the variants.

Definition of “Hunny” And “Honey”

Definition of “Hunny” And “Honey”

Honey refers to that sweet viscous fluid produced by bees from plants’ nectar. On the other hand, hunny is a sweet word used to refer to someone you love. It’s also used to describe attractive individuals.

“Hear hear” and “Here here”

How to Use “Hear Hear” And “Here Here” In a Sentence

During the debate, it is common to hear a member/s of parliament shout, “Hear him, hear him,” to draw the attention of members to a point made by another member during their sittings.

5 Different Ways of How to Abbreviate “International”

5 Different Ways of How to Abbreviate “International”

There are many different ways to abbreviate the word “International’’ but only 5 of them are used regularly.

Every vs. Each

Every vs. Each: Correct Usage with Examples

The words “each” and “every” pose a solid obstacle for English learners and even native speakers, as it is pretty tricky to use in sentences.

Fall vs. Autumn

Is Fall And Autumn The Same?

Autumn and fall are two dissimilar nouns used to portray the period/season that begins after the summer and ends right before winter.