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Everyday Phrasal Verbs

5 Multi-Purpose, Everyday Phrasal Verbs & How to Use Them

Phrasal verbs are important because they will significantly elevate your speaking/conversational skills in informal/conversational English.

How to Write a Formal Email

How to Write a Formal Email And Get to the Point

Think about several of the emails or messages you have read on occasion. Which ones show a sense of confidence? What exactly gives you that impression?

Pillar of English Language Learning

Which Pillar of English Language Learning Is the Most Important?

Students learning English face many challenges, and a vast amount overcome these challenges with practice, determination, and combining the different aspects of English language learning. The four pillars of successful English language acquisition are reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Students often identify one area of development and put all their energy into improving it. They spend hours on, for example, speaking English, but only sometimes get the results they want. It is a

Please advise

Please Advise—Meaning and Use

It’s generally advisable to avoid using “please advise” unless it’s entirely appropriate. Let’s find out how to use “please advise” correctly.

How to Practice English Pronunciation

Master English Pronunciation: Daily Practice Tips

Speaking of routine, it goes without saying that learning any aspect of a language needs to be practiced regularly, day after day.

Gender-neutral pronoun

How to Avoid the Patriarchical “He” Without Sounding Silly

So, the original question implies that there might be a way to come up with a “gender-neutral” pronoun that we could incorporate into English.

“Sleep” Idioms And Phrases

Easy-to-Use “Sleep” Idioms And Phrases

Learning idioms will help you express your emotions and ideas more effectively and connect to other people more easily.

5 Different Ways of How to Abbreviate “International”

5 Different Ways of How to Abbreviate “International”

There are many different ways to abbreviate the word “International’’ but only 5 of them are used regularly.