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How to Stay Motivated

How to Stay Motivated in Your Language Learning

Whatever you do, do it with the right person, with passion and responsibility, and you will succeed.

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So you want to start learning a foreign language, or maybe you’re in the process, but your mind has got stuck somehow? Here’re some tips on how to stay motivated and get on track with your studying path.

1. Set a clear goal to keep the result in your vision

There’s a great story showing an evident example. Two men are building a temple, one of them is exhausted, and the other one works hard without problems. Someone asked the tired one, “What are you doing?” He said, “I am carrying up stones.” While the cheerful one answered the same question, that he was building a temple... Did you get the point? Keep this in mind whenever your brain is trying to deceive you. Imagine how you will be traveling, without language barriers, and get new friends from different countries. Or how you will rock your presentation on your business trip and get a promotion. You are getting the certificate, and you’re moving abroad for a better future, etc.

2. Motivation cannot always be around, DISCIPLINE is the key

Remember, if you have to do something, just keep doing it, and that’s it. Don’t let your bad mood interfere with your plans and dreams. Try to keep a to-do list. Write your plans in a nice copybook or note them on your smartphone or laptop and look through them in the morning. Or publish it on your social media, it will make you feel more responsible.

3. Make small steps but every day

Never let all your tasks be done at the last second. Study little by little every day. 4-5 hours in a rush right before the lesson can be quite stressful and not as effective as 20-40 minutes every day of your practice.

4. Make language learning a lifestyle

On the way to work, listen to podcasts on that language, start watching movies without translations, find people who study that language or native speakers and chat with them, and attend events in your area or around. In this century of technology, none of them is challenging. Have fun!

5. Take a break and rest

Go on holiday or spend time with family or friends, watch that senseless series with your favorite snacks, and make your pampering procedures without a sense of guilt. Sleep enough, eat nutritious food, and move your body daily, as all that affects not only our physical health but also our mental health, which is crucial in language studies.

Whatever you do, do it with the right person, with passion and responsibility, and you will succeed.

A passionate language tutor from Armenia. Linguist and economist by profession, dreamer and traveler by passion.

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