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“It’s all about keeping the conversation light and friendly.”

That’s what my English teacher explained to encourage us to pay attention. She explained each point clearly and shared several agreement and disagreement examples to make sure that we got the point clear. And it surely did improve my English. You can also try experimenting with some of the phrases I’ve shared below to see how smooth your conversation will be.

Practicing these phrases in conversations is the best way to memorize and be ready to use them in real life. I know what I’m saying!

Oh, and we’re just getting started here, so please sit tight and unlock some powerful English words and phrases that will take your communication skills a notch higher.

Why you may need to learn agreement and disagreement expressions

We learn how to agree or disagree politely to understand how we can express our thoughts and opinions clearly. These phrases are simply the game changer. They let you share your perspectives without making others feel belittled or otherwise offended.

Personally, I also find this communication function very important since it allows you to negotiate meaning and reach an agreement while conversing with others. When having a formal conversation (like in professional meetings), stating agreement or expressing disagreement politely is strongly recommended. Using the right words or expressions ensures respectful communication.

Remember that the best way to memorize the recommendations below and learn to use them in real-life conversations is to practice them in private lessons with your English tutor on LiveXP. Also, you will learn even more tips on how to agree or disagree politely from your tutor.

And that’s what this is all about.

See what I mean from these examples:

  1. Agreement:
I agree with your proposal to invest in renewable energy initiatives. It not only aligns with our company’s values but also positions us as a leader in sustainability.

2.   Disagreement:

I’m not sure I agree with you about the best TV show. I think “The Office” is way funnier than “Friends.”

Now, scroll down to see how you can do this in a casual or formal conversation without offending anyone.

Unique agreement and disagreement expressions

Let’s start by understanding the difference between these two.

In a nutshell, these are phrases you can use to simply show approval, support, or alignment with someone’s opinion and/or statement. They play a vital role in improving understanding and building rapport in conversations.

Meanwhile, disagreeing expressions can be defined as phrases that you can use to express disagreement with someone else’s opinion politely. It is strongly recommended that you convey disagreement in a manner that’s respectful and conducive to further discussion.

That out of the way, let’s now see some examples of agreement expressions:

Simple agreement

  • I agree
  • That’s right
  • Exactly
  • I think so, too
  • You’re absolutely correct

Strong agreement

  • I couldn’t agree more
  • You’re spot on
  • I agree with you totally (or I totally agree with you)
  • You’re absolutely right
  • That’s exactly how I feel

Partial agreement

  • I see your point
  • I agree with most of what you said
  • I understand where you’re coming from
  • You make a good point, but…
  • I agree to some extent, but I also think… (you share your own opinion)

Why it’s important to use these unique phrases in everyday conversations

Employing these phrases shows respect for others’ viewpoints and helps create a supportive atmosphere during discussions.

They encourage open dialogue and help avoid misunderstandings and/or conflicts. Nevertheless, they also indicate active engagement in the conversation, which shows that you are attentive and receptive to the speaker’s point of view.

Let’s now learn how to agree with someone from the following examples.

Simple agreement

Use simple agreement expressions when you fully agree with someone’s statement or opinion.


I agree with you that one-on-one private lessons with a native tutor are crucial for reaching fluency in English.

Strong agreement

Reserve strong agreement expressions for situations where you strongly support or endorse someone else’s opinion.


I couldn’t agree more with your proposal to implement strict rules on plastic waste.

Partial agreement

Apply it when you concur with some parts of a statement but hold different views on other aspects.


I see your point about the benefits of remote work, but I also believe that in-person collaboration has its share of advantages.

Let’s now take a look at disagreement expressions.

Disagreement expressions

Expressions of disagreement serve a crucial role by allowing you to share or express your differing opinions or perspectives respectfully.

Understanding and mastering them is essential for maintaining healthy discussion and facilitating constructive exchange of ideas.

Polite disagreement

  • I see it differently
  • I respectfully disagree
  • I understand your point, but I have to disagree
  • I’m afraid I can’t agree with that
  • I’m not sure I agree with you on that

Strong disagreement

  • I strongly believe otherwise
  • I’m sorry, but I can’t agree with you there
  • I’m sorry, but I must disagree vehemently
  • I completely disagree with your assessment
  • I have to disagree with that statement strongly

Partial disagreement

  • I understand your perspective, but I have some concerns about...
  • While I agree with some aspects of your argument, I disagree with...
  • I can see where you’re coming from, but I have a different viewpoint on...
  • I acknowledge your point, but I have to disagree with the conclusion.
  • I appreciate your input, but I’m inclined to disagree based on…

Why it’s crucial to express disagreement respectfully

First of all, it is crucial for maintaining constructive dialogue and preserving relationships.

It allows you to voice your differing opinions without causing offense. By using polite and tactful language, you can disagree with others while fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

Let’s learn a bit more from the following examples:

Polite disagreement

Use them when you want to disagree with someone without causing offense.


I understand your perspective, but I respectfully disagree with your proposal to increase taxes.

Strong disagreement

Reserve these for situations where you strongly oppose someone’s point of view.


I’m sorry, but I completely disagree with your assertion that social media has no impact on mental health.

Partial disagreement

This works best when you agree with certain points but disagree overall or have reservations. See the example below.


While I appreciate your perspective, I have some reservations about the viability of your plan.

How to agree or disagree in formal settings

You can use phrases like “I agree with your point” or “I respectfully disagree because…” to cleverly convey your thoughts without causing offense.

In formal settings, such as business meetings, academic discussions, or professional correspondence, it’s important to express agreement or disagreement tactfully and respectfully. Here’s how you can do so effectively:

Stating agreement

  • Acknowledge the point: “I agree with your assessment that implementing a new marketing strategy could improve our sales.”
  • Offer support: “Your proposal to streamline the production process seems practical and could lead to cost savings.”
  • Build on the idea: “I concur with the idea of expanding into new markets; it aligns with our long-term growth objectives.”
  • Express approval: “Your analysis of the current market trends is insightful and aligns well with our goals.”
  • Summarize agreement: “In summary, I believe your suggestions for enhancing customer service are valid and worth exploring further.”

Stating disagreement

  • Express respect: “While I respect your viewpoint, I have a slightly different perspective on this matter.”
  • Provide reasons: “I understand your preference for ’product A,’ but I believe ’product B’ may be more suitable due to its scalability.”
  • Offer alternatives: “Instead of increasing the advertising budget, I propose reallocating resources to improve product development.”
  • Seek clarification: “I’m not entirely convinced that adopting this approach would yield the desired results. Could you provide more data to support your argument?”
  • Maintain politeness: “I appreciate your proposal, but I respectfully disagree with the proposed course of action.”

How to agree or disagree in informal settings

In informal (or casual) settings like hanging out with friends or chatting with family, you may need to use a more relaxed tone with expressions like “I totally agree!” or “I see where you’re coming from, but I have to disagree.”

Stating agreement

  • Show approval: “Yeah, I totally agree with you! That movie was awesome!”
  • Express a similar experience: “I know, right? I’ve been there too, and it was amazing!”
  • Offer support: “You’re absolutely right. Your idea for a road trip sounds like so much fun!”
  • Use informal language: “For sure! Count me in for pizza night, sounds like a blast!”

Stating disagreement

  • Expressing a different opinion: “Hmm, I see where you’re coming from, but I actually think the new album is kinda disappointing.”
  • Provide alternatives: “I get your point, but maybe we could try that new restaurant downtown instead?”
  • Offer constructive criticism: “I don’t really agree with your plan to dye your hair pink, but how about trying a temporary color first?”
  • Share personal experience: “I don’t think staying up all night studying is a good idea. The last time I tried it, I felt terribly bad the next day.”

Final thoughts

Whether you choose to agree or disagree, it’s okay to share your thoughts openly, but always remember to be considerate of other people’s feelings.

Be sure to explore online language platforms like LiveXP whenever you need to enhance your communication skills. This platform provides opportunities to practice conversational skills with native English speakers. Learning with a native English tutor on LiveXP will go a long way. It will help you gain confidence in the language and in expressing agreement or disagreement fluently (and more appropriately). Be sure to check out the trial lesson!


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