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Priscilla Aremu

Priscilla Aremu

Hi there! I am a Content Writer with over five years of experience creating high-quality content on different topics. And I'm an English native speaker from the USA.

Characteristics and Use of Quotation Marks

Characteristics and Use of Quotation Marks

If you use double quotation marks for quotes, use single quotation marks for quotes inside quotes.

Priscilla Aremu
Priscilla Aremu
What is a Complex Sentence?

What is a Complex Sentence?

Complex sentences involve at least one independent clause and one dependent clause.

Priscilla Aremu
Priscilla Aremu
Reasons for Using Comma Before “And”

Reasons for Using Comma Before “And”

When connecting two independent phrases with “and,” use a comma before it.

Priscilla Aremu
Priscilla Aremu
How to Say “Thank you” in an Email in Different Ways

How to Say “Thank you” in an Email in Different Ways

Here are 10 alternatives to “thank you very much” and “as always, thank you for your help” that are ideal for expressing your gratitude and appreciation in various contexts.

Priscilla Aremu
Priscilla Aremu
Noone or No One or No-One: What is the difference?

Noone or No One or No-One: What is the difference?

The spelling should read “no one.”

Priscilla Aremu
Priscilla Aremu
“Into” vs. “In To”: What’s the Difference?

“Into” vs. “In To”: What’s the Difference?

The single word “into” and the two-word combination “in to” have slightly distinct uses and meanings. To avoid common errors, keep in mind the next two rules.

Priscilla Aremu
Priscilla Aremu