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Find lots of useful information for learning English. Don't miss our new articles.

What Is Improper English and Who Decides What is Improper?

What Is Improper English and Who Decides What is Improper?

Among teachers, students, and the entire English-speaking community, there have been discussions on improper and proper language for years, decades, and certainly centuries. I recall my good old times when I used to teach groups ranging from 8 to 12 students offline, and the conversation inside the teachers’ room was

Rodrigo Rosa Silva
Rodrigo Rosa Silva
How to Use Articles “A,” “An,” “The” in English

How to Use Articles “A,” “An,” “The” in English

Are you perplexed by the usage of articles in English grammar? Fear not! This article will elucidate the intricacies of employing “a,” “an,” and “the” with clarity and precision. Understanding articles is fundamental to mastering English grammar. Here’s a breakdown of their usage. Using “a/an” articles in English

Zahraa Partovee
Zahraa Partovee
Exploring Fresh English Idioms and Vocabulary Related to Food

Exploring Fresh English Idioms and Vocabulary Related to Food

Food has always been a fascinating topic for people, invoking joy and providing an opportunity for social interaction. Whether we’re savoring a meal or discussing culinary delights, food connects us. Let’s dive into idioms and vocabulary related to various aspects of food: Idioms about tastes Take something with

Zahra Ezzati
Zahra Ezzati
The Importance of English for Human Resources and Some Key Phrases

The Importance of English for Human Resources and Some Key Phrases

English proficiency helps HR managers navigate diverse cultural contexts, support talent acquisition, and uphold compliance standards on an international level.

Beth Taylor
Beth Taylor
How to Pronounce “Zero” in British English

How to Pronounce “Zero” in British English

This article is about one number— zero. I guess that in your language and many other languages in this world, this number is pronounced the same regardless of when this number is used. But did you know that this number is pronounced differently in different situations in English that is

Lawrence Kearley-Hall
Lawrence Kearley-Hall
Learning Reductions in English: The Way Natives Speak

Learning Reductions in English: The Way Natives Speak

Reductions are reduced forms of English words, such as gonna, gotta, wanna, etc. You need to use reductions in order to sound more natural. They are crucial for you to understand native English speakers cause they are common in everyday situations, especially in a more informal context. Going to > gonna

Eli Matias Resende
Eli Matias Resende
English for Hospitality: Why Your Staff Must Speak English

English for Hospitality: Why Your Staff Must Speak English

Good English is not only crucial for external communication with the guests. It is just as important for internal communication.

Valentina Dordevic
Valentina Dordevic
Languages For Business
South African Slang: The Rich Flavor of South African English

South African Slang: The Rich Flavor of South African English

South African English is a dynamic and ever-evolving variety of English spoken across the rainbow nation.

Ronny Okumu
Ronny Okumu