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Valentina Dordevic

Valentina Dordevic

Hello! My name is Valentina. Book digesting is my specialty. I transform book ideas into easy-to-follow summaries, articles, study guides, reviews, essays, analyses, slides, or e-books.

Grammar vs. Vocabulary—Where to Start Learning a Language

Grammar vs. Vocabulary—Where to Start Learning a Language

The use of language is a complex skill. The fact that we can name and categorize different aspects of the process doesn’t mean we should separate them when learning.

Valentina Dordevic
Valentina Dordevic
Language Learning
How to Overcome Language Barriers—The Ultimate Guide

How to Overcome Language Barriers—The Ultimate Guide

There are plenty of ways that make dealing with language barriers fairly easy.

Valentina Dordevic
Valentina Dordevic
Language Learning
English for Hospitality: Why Your Staff Must Speak English

English for Hospitality: Why Your Staff Must Speak English

Good English is not only crucial for external communication with the guests. It is just as important for internal communication.

Valentina Dordevic
Valentina Dordevic
Languages For Business
Mindset Shift: Why Is Making Mistakes Important?

Mindset Shift: Why Is Making Mistakes Important?

When we make a mistake and become aware of it, we probably won’t make the same kind of mistake again.

Valentina Dordevic
Valentina Dordevic
Language Learning
A Simple Guide to How to Speak Polite English

A Simple Guide to How to Speak Polite English

Politeness in English is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It changes based on where you are and who you’re talking to.

Valentina Dordevic
Valentina Dordevic
A Collection of Interesting Facts About the English Language

A Collection of Interesting Facts About the English Language

Below you will find a whirlwind tour through the fascinating world of the English language. But reading about the English language is one thing; experiencing its richness and versatility is another.

Valentina Dordevic
Valentina Dordevic
Defeat a Major Obstacle on the Way to Citizenship and Pass the Language Test

Defeat a Major Obstacle on the Way to Citizenship and Pass the Language Test

If you think that you’re going to apply for citizenship someday but not yet, and you feel like you have plenty of time—start preparing now, anyway.

Valentina Dordevic
Valentina Dordevic
Language Learning
Why And How to Improve Your English Listening Skills

Why And How to Improve Your English Listening Skills

No one has learned to speak English fluently without honing their listening skills first.

Valentina Dordevic
Valentina Dordevic