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Idioms & expressions

Add new idioms and expressions to your vocabulary. Learn how to use them in real-life situations.

Different Ways to Say Sorry in English: How to Apologize

Different Ways to Say Sorry in English: How to Apologize

Knowing the various ways to say sorry in English is extremely useful in everyday life. Still, there are a lot of them.

Vasiliki Moutzouri
Vasiliki Moutzouri
When to Use “Hope You are Well” Along With Its Synonyms

When to Use “Hope You are Well” Along With Its Synonyms

Generally, it’s believed that “hope you are well” is a more extended version of “hi” or “hello.” It’s a polite phrase of small talk. Here are 10 synonyms to the phrase “hope you are well”

Geoffrey Mutie
Geoffrey Mutie
101 Kitchen Vocabulary Words in English and How to Learn Them

101 Kitchen Vocabulary Words in English and How to Learn Them

Learning English kitchen vocabulary can be a rewarding yet challenging process. With frequent exposure and consistent practice, you will be cooking up a storm in no time.

Beth Taylor
Beth Taylor
What is the Meaning of the “Karma is a Bitch!” Phrase?

What is the Meaning of the “Karma is a Bitch!” Phrase?

Karma is specifically a principle of Hinduism and Buddhism that concerns the idea of “you get what you give.”

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
Idioms & expressions
Navigating the Airport: Discover Unique Airport Vocabulary

Navigating the Airport: Discover Unique Airport Vocabulary

Yeah, there are so many reasons why airport vocabulary matters. One of them is to ensure clear communication at the airport to avoid confusion and delays.

Ronny Okumu
Ronny Okumu
12 Health-Related Idioms That You Should Know

12 Health-Related Idioms That You Should Know

Health-related idioms give you room to communicate your health and wellness status without giving too little or too much information.

Moses Famuyiwa
Moses Famuyiwa
An Overview of Common American Idioms

An Overview of Common American Idioms

In everyday chats, we use phrases that mean more than what they seem. These are called idioms, and they’re not meant to be taken literally. Let me give you a couple of examples to chew on. Ever heard someone say they’re “under the weather”? No, they’re not

Trendolyn Hopkins
Trendolyn Hopkins
Exploring Fresh English Idioms and Vocabulary Related to Food

Exploring Fresh English Idioms and Vocabulary Related to Food

Food has always been a fascinating topic for people, invoking joy and providing an opportunity for social interaction. Whether we’re savoring a meal or discussing culinary delights, food connects us. Let’s dive into idioms and vocabulary related to various aspects of food: Idioms about tastes Take something with

Zahra Ezzati
Zahra Ezzati