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Kadir Mustafaoglu

Kadir Mustafaoglu

I am a 27-year-old multilingual language teacher and translator. I can speak five languages; English, French, Turkish, and Arabic are at an advanced level and Russian is at a conversational level.

What are the Characteristics of a Good and Active Learner?

What are the Characteristics of a Good and Active Learner?

To kick this off properly, there’s a point that needs to be cleared up. What is meant by an “active learner” is one who takes matters into their own hands, assumes responsibility, and has a realistic approach to the process of language learning. Keep in mind that “good” is

Kadir Mustafaoglu
Kadir Mustafaoglu
Language Learning
How NOT to Learn a Language

How NOT to Learn a Language

Linguistic skills have always been a significantly valued asset throughout history. That value, undoubtedly, comes from the intellectual and practical utility of such skills. It’s not a secret that the demand for polyglots is only gaining popularity in today’s borderless world (in the economic sense of the word)

Kadir Mustafaoglu
Kadir Mustafaoglu
Language Learning