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Ganiu Abdurahman

When I write, I assume the position of my audience effortlessly, imagining their pains with the intent of proffering solutions that best address their pains.

There is or there are

Making the right choice between “there is” or “there are”

Basically, both “there is” and “there are” are deployed to say that something exists or some things exist, as the case may be.


Learning the Meaning of Usage of Albeit

Albeit belongs to the conjunction class of words, and it is used to mean “even though,” “though,” or “even if.”

a part vs. apart

The Differences Between A Part vs. Apart And Correct Use in Sentences

A part and apart might be confusing to second learners of English for a number of reasons. Pronouncing these two words, you would discover that they sound the same way, making them homophones.

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