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Diana Tairova

My name is Diana. I have a 150 hour TEFL/TESOL certificate and a bachelor's degree in sociology and politics. My English teaching experience includes 9 years.

Thematic vocabulary learnin

The Power of Active Listening: One Trick to Boost Your Language Skills

Some time ago, before I became an English teacher, I was interested in 3D modelling. I started searching for tutorials on 3ds Max and Maya (software for 3D artists). It quickly became clear that there were very few sensible tutorials in Russian, but there were plenty in English instead. At that time, I couldn’t even watch movies without Russian subtitles, and I couldn’t imagine a situation where I would have to speak English in real life. But the 3D lessons were very understandable, and it was a

How We Learn English

How We Learn English And Do We Really Learn It?

What are the methods? English is the most popular language taught in the world, and you can guess that there are many methods of teaching it and tons of books for teachers. Some methods (the most traditional ones) put grammar first, others put reading and listening first, some throw out all the textbooks and simulate conversational situations for students right in the classroom, while others put an emphasis on vocabulary. Can you really learn a language? At the same time, methodologists say

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