Which is correct

Find correct options for writing and using some words and expressions

Affect vs. Effect

Affect vs. Effect: Difference and Proper Usage

Understanding the difference between affect and effect will help your English sound more professional, so let’s help you keep them straight.

How to use a colon?

The correct use of a colon in a sentence

A colon is a punctuation mark writers use to introduce a list of things or amplify a clause that precedes its use.

Run-on sentences

What is a Run-On Sentence and How to Correct It?

A run-on sentence is a sentence made up of improperly connected independent clauses. Having a run-on sentence in your writing is evidence of poor grammar.

First, second, and third person

When and how to use the first, second, and third person with examples

The first, second, and third person are different grammatical perspectives. These points of view help distinguish between the speaker, addressee, and others.

Comma before "or"

Rules For Using a Comma Before “Or”

Sometimes, adding a simple thing as a comma in your sentence can change the entire meaning. That’s why it’s essential to know whether you should put a comma before or after “or” or omit it completely.

possessive noun

How to Use and Form a Possessive Noun

Not knowing how to use a possessive noun means making more grammatical mistakes than you expect. And, not knowing what it expresses can lead to misunderstandings in your conversations.

What is en dash?

How to use an En Dash correctly when writing

En dashes are short dashes that show the range between two figures.

Bear with me or bare with me

The Difference Between “Bear With Me” and “Bare With Me”

The only correct way to write the phrase from the title is “bear with me.”