Language Teaching
Here are articles about teaching languages: tips and recommendations for tutors, sharing experience & knowledge.
Key Teaching Skills in Online Language Learning
Communication Skills Firstly, considering there is a lack of real interaction in online teaching, the teacher develops various kinds of communication skills. In my opinion, the most important skill is being empathetic and trying to understand the student. Being empathetic to students means being able to put yourself in their shoes, listening to them actively, and noticing unspoken messages from them. By active listening, I mean the use of gestures to show interest and patience and create a safe
6 Main Characteristics a Great Teacher Should Possess
It's not enough just to know your taught subject perfectly to teach someone. A great teacher should have some characteristics to help students succeed.
Teaching Online Made Simple: My Top Resources for English Teachers
There are so many valuable resources online for language teachers—but how to choose the best ones from everything out there?
The TPR technique for teaching English
The method of teaching English as a foreign language known as the TPR (Total Physical Response) technique has been used in institutions around the world.
Passionate teaching forms a link for transferring information
Passion is ultimate enjoyment of doing or experiencing something. Something that you are never bored with, even if you had already done it hundreds of times.