LiveXP Team

LiveXP is a place where we help students meet their best tutors.

“Ask Community” section

Meet “Ask Community” section

We are happy to announce this new cool thing that can help you stand out, “Ask community”!

LiveXP Android App Update

The full functionality of the LiveXP App on your Android device

LiveXP released its app’s major update for Android users with the platform’s full functionality.

Changes to trial & single lessons

Changes to trial & single lessons arrived

Packages guarantee a more consistent learning process and, thus, better results. They also help you save money since the larger the package, the cheaper each lesson in it.

Lessons’ duration, pre-lesson prep time, Apple sign in — new features

Lessons’ duration, pre-lesson prep time, Apple sign in — new features

We’re always looking for ways to make teaching for tutors easier and more comfortable. We hope these 2 new features will help you with that!

“Available now” and “Vacation mode” features

“Available now” and “Vacation mode” features

Now the tutors can choose to get notified about instant lesson requests when they’re online on LiveXP, as well as when they’re offline.

Turkish — a new language taught on LiveXP

Turkish — a new language taught on LiveXP

We’ve officially added Turkish as one of the languages taught on LiveXP.

LiveXP App: Full Functionality from Your Smartphone

LiveXP App: Full Functionality from Your Smartphone

The 21st of July is the day when LiveXP renewed its app for iPhone users at the AppStore.