Kimberly Ann Potts

My name is Kimberly. I'm an experienced copywriter and editor. I like writing about complex topics to help readers find the correct answers.

Defense vs. defence

Defence vs. defense: how to choose the right word

One common error seen in many English write-ups is the correct use of defense or defence. Both words are alternate spellings of a noun which means to protect something from harm.

Cannot, can not or can't

How to use cannot, can not, and can’t correctly and properly in a sentence

“Cannot” and “can’t” mean the same thing, i.e., the inability to do something. However, they are both used in different ways.

fewer vs. les

Fewer vs. Less: How to use less and fewer in a sentence

Less is a term suitable to qualify objects (either in terms of qualities or quantities) that are uncountable and in a smaller amount. Fewer is a comparative form of few used for qualifying small countable nouns that you can count one by one.

How to use a colon?

The correct use of a colon in a sentence

A colon is a punctuation mark writers use to introduce a list of things or amplify a clause that precedes its use.

Run-on sentences

What is a Run-On Sentence and How to Correct It?

A run-on sentence is a sentence made up of improperly connected independent clauses. Having a run-on sentence in your writing is evidence of poor grammar.