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I have found LiveXP to be a fantastic platform for sharing knowledge across the world. LiveXP stands out among the other platforms thanks to its easy interface and extensive marketing campaign on all social media platforms. Thanks to its broad market reach, LiveXP has given me the opportunity to share my love for English with dozens of professionals from all across Europe, Asia, and even North America in a friendly, supportive environment. I always knew I would get paid for my time and I could always count on support from LiveXP if I happened to stumble upon any technical problems. In addition, I found it rather convenient to have a platform juggle the time zone differences as it does get complicated once you start to deal with several time zones in the picture.

Start tutoring on LiveXP

To be honest, it took me some effort to get out of my comfort zone and start offering lessons on LiveXP, but I found this decision to be the biggest catalyzer in my teaching career.

Teachers’ and students’ advantages

I love the fact that LiveXP allows users to choose which video-conferencing tool is most convenient to them while also offering a sophisticated platform of their own, which automatically records the lessons should the student want to relisten to the session s/he had with their tutor. I have also had the opportunity to experience LiveXP on the student’s side while booking lessons for my daughter and I found it extremely supportive of the student. In the one time the tutor didn’t come to the lesson, the Support team promptly reached out to me, asked me for feedback, and completely refunded me for the lesson. Thus, I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to share or gain knowledge in a supportive, friendly online ecosystem!

LiveXP Review

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