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Figuring out the best way to learn a new language takes time, and it’s certainly difficult to find a balance between convenience and effective methods. Based on my personal experience gained through teaching and learning languages, I will share some tips with you today.

Speak From Day One

It’s really important to start using the language from the very first day because the quicker you make use of it, the sooner you will progress. Start using the words you know right away, such as greetings, and then start mixing them, repeating them several times. If you are really shy or afraid of making a mistake you can do it aloud on your own. This is how children learn so fast—they are not afraid to simply speak out loud, even if no one is listening!


Learning a language is all about psychological training. In order to avoid getting bored or overwhelmed, don’t bite off more than you can chew.  It is not about how many hours you spend, but how consistent you are. I would recommend reserving about 15 minutes a day to do something related to the language you are learning. Your time is valuable, and you have to be realistic!

Find a Language Partner

This does not necessarily need to be a native speaker; it could just be someone who is one step ahead of you. If you find someone you can learn from or possibly exchange with, it’s almost like having an online private tutor. Remember: the more you speak, the faster you will progress.


Do not focus on understanding each word, but rather on improving your pronunciation, which is crucial to making yourself understood. Get used to this and keep it up! It’s important to maintain a routine. This process becomes even better when you are reading about what you are passionate about. You’ll be amazed by how much vocab you can pick up this way!

Listening/Watching (TV, Music, Radio, News)

As with reading, you don’t have to worry about comprehending everything. Just by listening, you are acquiring the language consciously and subconsciously, especially with music or tv shows you like. You can even listen over and over—every time you will pick up something new.

Find Resources

Magazines and children’s books are the best. They have tons and tons of pictures. Magazines in any language can be used since you aren’t going to focus on reading them but on the pictures and descriptions. This will help you to formulate sentences, especially questions, such as what, who, how, and when.

What do I see, hmm I see a boy, what is he doing, etc…

The More Time You Invest, the Sooner You Will Master the Language

It could be hard to do it all on your own. A tutor can guide you through and even help you get more confident at speaking. And I think it is one of the best ways to learn a language. I’ll be there in case you need some help.

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