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Nabi Blooms

Nabi Blooms

LiveXP tutor

American Sign Language is my second language that I teach and basic Korean for beginners is the newest one. I am learning Korean and I would love to teach the do and don'ts to beginners.

Great Students: Who Are They?

Great Students: Who Are They?

It’s interesting how students can show their appreciation to their language teachers. But I was wondering, how can teachers show their appreciation for their students? After thinking about it, I decided to write this article. How a student can show their appreciation I think many students would agree that

Nabi Blooms
Nabi Blooms
Language Teaching
How to Avoid Being Wordy, Verbose, or Prolix?

How to Avoid Being Wordy, Verbose, or Prolix?

Feel free to copy this list for yourself to help remind you of some ways to be less verbose, less prolix, and less wordy.

Nabi Blooms
Nabi Blooms
3 Ways to Keep Your Goals in Learning a Second Language

3 Ways to Keep Your Goals in Learning a Second Language

Here are three suggestions you can try in an effort to keep your goal and go from a Thought to Reality to Physical and keeping it first.

Nabi Blooms
Nabi Blooms
Language Learning
Benefit Yourself by Learning the Korean Alphabet

Benefit Yourself by Learning the Korean Alphabet

시간 낭비하지 마세요. 한글을 배우다. Once you learn the Korean writing system, you’ll find that this says, “Don’t waste time. Learn Hangul.” Why learn it when so many write Korean words in English letters?

Nabi Blooms
Nabi Blooms
Language Learning