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Anymore and any more may be similar, but they are used in different cases. That’s because both terms have different meanings and different functions within a sentence.

Worry not, as knowing what they mean can help you use the right term easily.

Anymore and any more—understanding the difference

Understanding the difference between them will help you avoid making one of the most common ESL mistakes – using them interchangeably.

Anymore—meaning and usage

Anymore refers to time. It means that something is not happening now or still. It’s an adverb, so it either qualifies or modifies a verb, another adverb, or an adjective.


I don’t love Paul anymore.
Why doesn’t she visit her grandma anymore?

As you can see, this word is most commonly used in negative sentences with the meaning of “any longer.”

Any more – meaning and usage

Any more refers to a quantity of something. It’s a determiner, so it determines the amount of something, whether that’s a large or small amount.


If you need any more money, just ask.
Is there any more cake left?
I don’t need any more clothes.

The examples show that you can use this term in if-clauses, questions, and negative sentences.

Anymore or any more – what to use

Use anymore when you want to talk about time or something that no longer happens or is no longer needed or wanted.


My mom doesn’t live here anymore.
I don’t need help anymore.

Use any more when you talk about an indefinite amount or quantity of something.


Do you want any more coffee?
I don’t need any more sugar.

Here’s one example that uses both terms.


She doesn’t buy purses anymore, because she doesn’t need any more purses.
Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
V for Vendetta (2005)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
EnglishWhich is correct

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