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Ronny Okumu

Ronny Okumu

I'm Ronny Okumu with over 7 years of professional writing. Learning new things is something I truly enjoy. And if I meet a new topic, I just spend some time researching until I can write about it.

How to Help Your Kid Enhance Language Skills Beyond the Classroom?

How to Help Your Kid Enhance Language Skills Beyond the Classroom?

By embracing cultural diversity, balancing multiple dialects, and encouraging a love for learning, you empower your child with the tools they need to communicate confidently in an interconnected world.

Ronny Okumu
Ronny Okumu
Language Learning
A Guide to Introducing Yourself in English

A Guide to Introducing Yourself in English

Like any other language, introducing yourself in English involves much more than just saying your name and where you come from.

Ronny Okumu
Ronny Okumu
Can You Learn English in 3 Months? Discover the Secret

Can You Learn English in 3 Months? Discover the Secret

There are just no shortcuts (or secrets) for learning English that fast. However, it is possible to learn English in a few months with proper guidance and a lot of focus.

Ronny Okumu
Ronny Okumu
Is It “To Be Supposed To” or “To Be Suppose To”?

Is It “To Be Supposed To” or “To Be Suppose To”?

Keep in mind that you risk being totally misunderstood when you pick the wrong verb for your conversations.

Ronny Okumu
Ronny Okumu
How to Use “Were” vs. “Was” Correctly?

How to Use “Were” vs. “Was” Correctly?

The primary difference is that “was” is used in the first person and third person singular, which includes “I,” “he,” “she,” or “it.”

Ronny Okumu
Ronny Okumu
Improve Your English With These 10 Brilliant British Sayings and Phrases

Improve Your English With These 10 Brilliant British Sayings and Phrases

Every language surely has some phrases that often don’t translate well, and the British tongue has some absolute corkers.

Ronny Okumu
Ronny Okumu
How to Say “Hello” in Different Languages: Greet Your Friends in 15 Ways

How to Say “Hello” in Different Languages: Greet Your Friends in 15 Ways

How would you say “hello” if you went to work or even visited a friend in a community where people speak a different language? How would you greet them? How do you say “hello” in French, Arabic, or even Swahili? Read on to find out. The internet, of course, has

Ronny Okumu
Ronny Okumu
Language Learning