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Geoffrey Mutie

Geoffrey Mutie

My name is Geoffrey! I am constantly looking for new ways to improve my writing skills and my interpersonal skills, which in my opinion help a person be professional.

“Split” Past Tense and Other Irregular Verbs

“Split” Past Tense and Other Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs generally don’t form their simple past tense or past participle by adding “-d” or “-ed” to their stem word. They do not comply with the regular grammatical rules. “Split” is a major example.

Geoffrey Mutie
Geoffrey Mutie
How Come Specie is Not the Species Singular Form

How Come Specie is Not the Species Singular Form

The two words, “specie” and “species,” are nouns that appear to be just the same, with one being the other’s singular, but they have distinct meanings.

Geoffrey Mutie
Geoffrey Mutie
Which is correct