你学习汉语的动力是什么?what is your motivation for learning chinese?try to answer the question in chinese

There are several motivations for learning Chinese: Professional development: Learning Chinese can open up new professional opportunities, especially in areas such as business, diplomacy, and academia. Cultural interest: Chinese language and culture are rich and fascinating. Many people are motivated to learn the language to better understand China's history, literature, and social norms. Travel: China is a popular travel destination, and knowing some Chinese can make the experience more enjoyable and immersive. Family connections: Some people have family members who speak Chinese or are of Chinese descent, and learning the language can help them connect with their heritage and communicate with loved ones. Personal growth: Learning a new language challenges the brain and can improve cognitive function. It also provides a sense of accomplishment and self-improvement.

12 来自我们教师的答案

  • 随着疫情的结束和对外贸易的开放,中文作为语言沟通的工具已经越来越重要。学习中文可以了解中国文化,跟中国人商务交流,缩小中西方的差异等等。

  • 中文在全球受欢迎的根本逻辑在于改革开放以来中国的综合国力持续快速增强,提升了中文在国际合作交流中的价值,学习中文的根本动力,是世界各国与中国开展包括经济、文化等各领域合作而形成的刚需。

  • 可以 和十几亿人做朋友。可以看懂原版材料。

  • 现在有越来越多的人对中国文化感兴趣,学习中文可以成为进一步了解中国文化的途径。无论是和中国人交朋友还是去中国旅游,甚至于定居,会说中文都能起到很大的帮助。而且一旦开始学习,在日常追剧或者其他时候能听懂一部分中文会获得很大的成就感,从而更有动力继续学习。

  • 旅游,在中国做生意,跟中国人交朋友,学习文化

  • 你可以通过学习汉语在中国找到很好的工作,找到心仪的女朋友或是男朋友,找到适合的人生伴侣。

  • Petra Yao
    Petra YaoCountry flag: cn

    Aside from other answers about the benefits of learning Chinese, as a native Chinese speaker, my answer is :1. Chinese is one of the most complex languages in the world. Learning Chinese will help you gain a Chinese mind and understand the breadth and depth of Chinese culture. 2. In the process of learning Chinese, you will learn methods that will benefit you for the rest of your life and habits that will help you learn any other language. 3. When you learn Chinese and use it, you can even teach other people to learn Chinese in other languages and realize an increase in income. 4. You will know more about China, even its development history, religion, philosophy and other fields through the Chinese language.

  • To learn one new language is the direct way to enjoy the culture. 新的语言新的视界。

  • 学习汉语的好处绝不单纯于懂得了一门语言。我们将会有更多的机会,语言只是交流工具,让你获得了解不同国家的一个途径。你将有机会与更多人交流或者获得商业或工作机会。在国际化进程中,掌握多种语言也能让你更加具有优势。科学表明多语言者思维也会更加具有开放性。

  • A language is the key to open another world,can enjoy the diversity of culture.Give yourself more opportunities to grow.

