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25 questions sur l’anglais
- Did you know that It's estimated that around 45% of English vocabulary originates from French?
Here are a few French words that are similar to English: French and English restaurant | restaurant café | cafe menu | menu chef | chef soupe | soup salade | salad omelette | omelette croissant | croissant baguette | baguette bon appétit | bon appetite déjà vu | déjà vu rendez-vous | rendezvous faux pas | faux pas cliché | cliché boutique | boutique chic | chic ambulance | ambulance hotel | hotel vogue | vogue en route | en route
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Thanks for this list of words! Teaching French to English speakers, using this type of mirror words is always useful!
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Commencer le test- New students’ placement
How do you usually assess a new student’s English level besides standardised tests?
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In my view, trial is better than the tests. Open-ended questions and let students express himself or herself and assess as you go to determine their level and challenges.
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