你最喜欢哪个乐队的歌呀?可以跟我一起分享吗? Which band's songs do you like best? Can you share it with me?


9 来自我们教师的答案

  • 说到推荐乐队,我可以介绍几个个人感觉优秀且非常值得一听的,以下均为个人观点,仅供参考 一.中国乐队我非常喜欢beyond和黑豹乐队,他们的音乐不仅十分有激情和张力,还有浓厚的民族风情,虽然时间过去这么久,但是经典永远是经典。最近听到一首霓虹花园的《无人的海边》也非常值得一听 一.对于日本音乐市场,我个人非常喜欢东京事变和kirinji。它们的音乐充满了文艺气息,非常前卫而且勇于创新,总是给我带来意外的惊喜。 一.如果你喜欢欧美乐队的音乐,Guns N‘ Roses 和 Dream theater都是不错的选择,前者是摇滚乐坛的经典组合之一,创作了很多感动我的歌曲,后者则是当代摇滚乐 的代表,它们的音乐极具磅礴感和技巧性,让人大呼过瘾.

  • i like band called ABBA,one of their songs,dancing Queen,i really like it.

  • I like classical music and I can share it with you in detail in my class

  • 我喜欢一些摇滚乐队的歌。

  • 喜欢苏打绿的歌,他们的歌都很喜欢

  • Casey Guo
    Casey GuoCountry flag: sg

    个人比较喜欢民谣类的歌曲,可以给你推荐一些民谣歌手,比如宋东野,马良,任东等,有空可以搜索试听一下哈 I prefer Chinese Folk Ballads, recommend you some singers like Song Dong Ye, Ma Liang, Ren Dong, you could listen to their music for feeling Chinese Ballads

  • I like almost all songs from Jay Chou, even the old songs from him sound still so good

  • I like Karen Mok and Rouying Liu's songs,but now there are some new singers singing very good songs

  • I like all songs from Shen Yun music performance. Please check out Shenyun.com for more beautiful songs.

