How to write a good Chinese character ?


18 来自我们教师的答案


you need a lot of practice, you can use calligraphy to practice, master the writing method of chinese characters is the most important.

  • zhangxu
    zhangxuCountry flag: cn


  • Kiki
    KikiCountry flag: cn

    Master Chinese character structure and learn the stroke direction of chinese characrers

  • Betty
    BettyCountry flag: cn


  • 首先你可以练习基础笔画的书写,然后买一本字帖,跟着字帖练习书写汉字,坚持三个月就能看到明显的进步。

  • First of all, you need to learn every Chinese radicals, which is the basis of Chinese characters, just like how the letters are spelled, you need to familiarize yourself with it until you can accurately recognize and write, and then you can start practicing writing from the simplest characters, hard pen calligraphy and brush calligraphy are completely different, if you are interested in synchronous learning, there are a variety of fonts to choose from to learn each kind of text, if you are interested, you can contact me to learn. If you are interested.Have fun learning Chinese.

  • Writing good Chinese characters needs a process, cannot be rushed. First of all, beginners should learn to write Chinese characters in checked writing. Starting from the most basic strokes, after the stoke practice, practicing writing a single characters, and then transiting to write the combined characters. Pay more attention to the position of Chinese characters in the checked writing, and more practicing can form hand muscle memory. Chinese characters will gradually become better and better.

  • Take action and start trying to imitate writing.

  • to writer good Chinese characters,it is essential to focus on mastering the basic strokes that make up each character.Understanding the correct stroke order is crucial,as it ensure that the characters are written in balanced and readable manner.Regular practice is key to improving your skills.seeking feedback from native Chinese speakers can provide valuable insights and help u identify areas for improvement.Above all, be patient wiz yourself and remember that learning to write Chinese characters takes time and dedication.Keep practicing and u will see progress over time.

  • first, you can practice the strokes of Chinese characters more often, then write simple characters, step by step.

  • if you can drawing very well then you needn't to worry about writing Chinese character. Another important factor is the story of each Chinese character, and the form similar with what kinds of stuff.

