Mounir Halwani
专业英语讲师(第二语言) 阿拉伯语认证教师(我的母语)
I am a Lebanese permanently living in Morocco. I hold a bachelor's in architecture engineering and a master's in business administration. I love teaching and helping students enhance their language professional skills.
أنا لبناني مقيم بشكل دائم فس المغرب. أحمل شهادة بكالوريوس في الهندسة المعمارية و ماجيستير في ادارة الأعمال. التعليم هو شغفي. أحب مساعدة الطالبات والطلاب في تطوير أنفسهم وخاصة قدراتهم اللغوية.
I used to be a university instructor at Beirut Arab University. I helped students to enhance their English language to help them in their studies. My students usually need to be supported with their language skills to proceed in their studies.
I believe in the saying "Perfectness is in Simplicity". I am a person who believes in simplicity, therefore, expect a simple approach in assisting you. You should be able to define your problem and I should be able to assist you in overcoming your problem easily without any sophistication.