Professeur d'anglais avec le certificat TOEFL
Ătait en ligne le il y a 4 moisEnseigneAnglaisParleUkrainien(Langue maternelle)SpĂ©cialitĂ©sHabilitation :TOEFLPrĂ©paration aux examensConversationsApprentissage des basesAmĂ©lioration des compĂ©tencesCentres dâintĂ©rĂȘt
Formule 1
Hello, there! I am 18 and I was born and raised in Ukraine, in the Western part of the country. English is my second language, and learning this language has become a kind of hobby for me. I would also like to list some other hobbies of mine. To begin with, I am really into traveling, car trips are especially enjoyable to me. Finally, I do not imagine the life without books about economics, sociology, and classical fiction novels. All in all, I can describe myself as an amiable, easy-going, calm, and funny person.
I have been teaching English for about two years now. My teaching experience was initially gained through assisting my friends in preparing for the IELTS and CAE exams as I had taken the TOEFL test prior to that time.
As a matter of fact, I worked as an English teacher in two language schools (simultaneously) for one and a half years. Before that I was doing some courses on tutoring methods and teaching children for free in order to accumulate experience.
Lately I was evolving the skills of using English in an academic environment (Winter School in the University of Pavia, Italy; NAWA program in the University of Minho, Portugal).
The prevailing teaching approach of mine is the format of live communication, subject discussions, and emulation of the real-life situations (even for the students of an Elementary level). There's a huge variety of books suggested to a student. They are Enterprise, Grammar in Use, English Idioms in Use, Navigate, Upstream, Speak out, Roadmap etc. In most cases a few coursebooks are combined and incorporated. I encourage students to have an extensive lexical resource with timely phrases, words and idioms learned directly from TedX, BBC Learning English, TV show excerpts (SNL, Big Bang Theory, etc.), textbooks, and some glossaries. The structure of the lesson can vary and is selected individually.
Last but not least, the home tasks are optional and the syllabus for the study course is designated complying with the student's preferences.