Hola buenas, quería saber si hestan bien estas oraciones.

1. Verb to be: - You are coming, aren't you? - She is tired, isn't she? 2. Verb to be (simple past): - He was late, wasn't he? - They were at the party, weren't they? 3. Simple present: - You like pizza, don't you? - She goes to school, doesn't she? 4. Simple past: - He visited Rome, didn't he? - They watched the movie, didn't they? 5. Present progressive: - You are studying, aren't you? - They are playing soccer, aren't they? 6. Past progressive: - He was reading a book, wasn't he? - They were talking, weren't they? 7. Present perfect: - You have finished your homework, haven't you? - She has been to London, hasn't she? 8. Future (will): - You will help me, won't you? - They will arrive soon, won't they? 9. Future (going to): - She is going to bake a cake, isn't she? - They are going to travel tomorrow, aren't they? 10. Modal verbs (can): -You can swim, can't you? -They can drive, can't they?

¿Sabes la respuesta?

3 respuestas de nuestros profesor

Mejor respuesta

Hi Zak, the question tags are correct . I like the fact that you maintain the rules of, positive Statement = negative question tag and negative Statement = positive question tag.

  • Hi Zak! Your sentences are very good. I don’t see any of the exceptions in the examples. These are: ✅ I am late, aren’t I? ✅ Let’s go for a walk, shall we? ✅ Close the door, will you?

  • Hello! There were good tag questions. Here goes a quick general feedback: Accuracy: The examples are correct and well structured. Variety: You used different tenses and included modal verbs; this shows a good command of variations on grammar structures. Practical use: There are convenient tag questions. common to everyday conversation. Keep on practicing so you can get the confidence to use them naturally. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, please ask! :D

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