Bruno Gomes
Profesora certificada de portugués (hablante nativo) desde principiantes hasta estudiantes avanzados
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Inteligencia artificial
Culturas extranjeras
Hello, everyone!
I'd like to introduce myself briefly ☺️
My name's Bruno. I'm 24 years old and I teach Portuguese and English. I'm from the southwest of Brazil. Currently, I live in São Paulo, where most of my family also lives. I work full-time as teacher. That's the diploma I hold, in languages. I graduated from college in 2021 and since then I had amazing and important experiences in my work and educational field. Taking the conversation into a more personal level: I am book worm, I have to say it. I love books and all sort of stories. I'm always reading something because I truly believe good stories have the power to inspire us (apart, of course, from all things we can learn). Reading is my number one hobbie. The second one is listening to music, maybe because I see music as good narratives as well (haha).
So, this is a little bit about me.
Cannot wait to get to know you soon!
Sou graduado em línguas, Português e Inglês, com certificado de iniciação científica em estudos fonológicos. Possuo também dois certificados de pós-graduação, um em Tradução e Revisão de Textos e outro Metodologia de Ensino de Segunda Língua. Ensino idiomas há pouco mais de 4 anos. Durante este período, trabalhei para diferentes escolas utilizando diferentes métodos e estratégias de ensino: direto, comunicativo, audilingual, baseado em tarefas, funcional. Já lecionei presencial e remotamente, ensinando desde crianças a adultos.
I have a degree in languages, Portuguese and English, with a scientific initiation certificate in phonological studies. I also have two postgraduate certificates in Translation and Text Proofreading and Second Language Teaching Methodology. I have been teaching languages for just over 4 years. During this period, I worked for different schools using different teaching methods and strategies: direct, communicative, task-based, functional.
Portuguese 🇧🇷
Em minhas aulas eu costumo focar no que é importante para o meu aluno, isto é, aquilo que ele traz para a sala de aula como prioridade. Gosto de aulas dinâmicas e procuro sempre propor atividades que proporcionem o uso da lingua a meus alunos, seja em aulas mais instrumentais ou aulas de conversação. Eu trago como minha metodologia, entretanto reconheço ser importante levar em consideração o estilo de aprendizagem individual de cada um.
English 🇬🇧🇺🇲
In my classes I usually focus on what is important to my student, that is, what he brings to the classroom as a priority. I like dynamic classes and I always try to propose activities that allow my students to use the language, whether in more instrumental classes or conversation classes. I bring my methodology, however I recognize that it is important to take into account each person's individual learning style.