o 50 % rýchlejšie!S týmto lektorom môžete mať vlastný učebný plán
TED TALKS Certifikovaný lektor angličtiny
Hodnotenia od študentov
Proste skvelé :)
Yulia, thank you for your feedback. It's always enjoyable to have a talented artist here. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Fred je skvelý učiteľ, ktorý má nízku kvalitu internetového pripojenia.
Dear Sefa Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on our session. I apologize if the quality did not meet your expectations. Please feel free to share any specific issues you encountered during our session. I am here to help troubleshoot and ensure a better experience for you. Again, I'm sorry to hear that you've had anything less than a great experience, and I appreciate the opportunity to address any concerns directly.
Ďakujem za lekcie. Si najlepší.
Thanks dear. I see you getting better and better. nice job Nursad!
Fred je vynikajúci učiteľ, veľmi trpezlivý a pozorný k potrebám svojich študentov. Ako vidím (zatiaľ som mal len jednu skúšobnú hodinu), s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou budú hodiny s ním naozaj efektívne. No skúsim.
Dear Kate, Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It's a pleasure to be able to provide the most straightforward ways of improvement.
Hodiny s Fredom si naplno užívam.
Obrigada It's fantastic to have a beach volleyball champion here in the session. I hope you'll find the learning strategies to be productive and beneficial to your experience.