Lekcie: 14
Čínska prax na pohovore / Výučba čínštiny pre dospelých / Prax obchodnej komunikácie
Bol(-a) online pred 5 mesiacmiUčíČínštinaHovoríČínština(Rodený hovoriaci)ŠpecializácieKomunikovať v práciDohovoriť sa s ľuďmiNaučiť sa základyZlepšiť si úroveň
Hi all, here is Flora from China. I graduated from University of California Riverside. I am an energetic and enthusiasm person so I hope I could also bring you some happiness by our classes. I love traveling, making new friends and trying fresh things!
I am a professional Chinese tutor and I have two years' experience to be a freelancer to teach Chinese. During these two years, I made many new friends from global, and I keep helping them to practice Chinese now. Except being a tutor, I was a global busi
First of all, I usually start my classes with knowing learning goals of my students. This way will improve efficiency of learning in maximum extent. For example, if my students' goals are to communicate with their clients, then we will focus on business words firstly.
Secondly, I would like to take advantage of different scene to study. I will bring my class to some places outside then we could practice any topic by accident to make class interesting and achieve our learning goals.
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Bola taká láskavá a snažila sa mi pomôcť s rozprávaním po čínsky.
Naozaj jasná a trpezlivá osoba, teším sa na budúce hodiny s ňou! :))