Plynulá angličtina pre profesionálov: odbornosť v oblasti pohostinstva a prispôsobené pokyny
Hodnotenia od študentov
Úžasný učiteľ! Veľmi profesionálny, pozorný, milý, zábavný a veľa ďalších dobrých slov. Prispôsobuje sa potrebám žiaka a využíva rôzne pracovné metódy, aby našiel to, čo by jednotlivcovi najlepšie pomohlo dosiahnuť ciele žiaka. Mojím cieľom je napríklad pripraviť sa na prednášku o obchodnej téme na konferencii a zlepšiť si anglickú gramatiku, slovnú zásobu a úroveň rozprávania. Učiteľ teda najskôr pomohol s prípravou prejavu na konferenciu (od zlepšenia textu prejavu na konkrétnu tému medicínskeho produktu až po prípravu na plynulé prednesenie prejavu) a potom sme začali pracovať na slovnej zásobe a prispôsobovať ju zakomponovať ho do prirodzeného používania v práci
This is truly wonderful to read, Inesa! Thank you, sincerely. I'm absolutely delighted that you're finding our lessons valuable and enjoyable. It's fantastic that you have such clear goals for your learning journey, and I'm fully committed to helping you achieve them. I'm already so impressed with your dedication and the progress you're making, especially considering you have limited opportunities to use English in your daily life. You're a fantastic student! I believe that learning a language should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, and I always strive to create a supportive and engaging environment where students feel comfortable and confident. I'm delighted that you appreciate my approach.
Skvelý učiteľ. Je to jeden z najoddanejších profesorov, akých som stretol. dakujem pekne
Thank you, Fernando! It's incredibly rewarding to work with students like you who are so motivated and engaged. I'm proud of the progress you've made, and I'm committed to continuing to support your growth.
An'tonov záväzok pripraviť hodinu venovanú konkrétnemu študentovi je úžasný!
Dear Dorota, Thank you so much for your kind words! It truly warms my heart to hear that you appreciate the personalized approach I take with my lessons. I believe that every student is unique, with their own individual learning styles and goals. It's my students who inspire me to delve deeper, to craft lessons that resonate with them on a personal level. Your feedback reminds me of the wonderful connections I've been fortunate enough to build with students like you from all corners of the globe. It's an honor and a privilege to be part of your language learning journey. Thank you for allowing me to share my passion for teaching with you. With gratitude, An'ton
perfektná lekcia. Ďakujem :)
Thank you, Mohamad Ahmad Bakri! I'm delighted to read that you found the lesson perfect. It's always a pleasure to work with a dedicated student like you. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to our future lessons together!
Učiteľ s veľkou vášňou a odhodlaním. Pozornosť venuje aj výslovnosti a intonácii v angličtine, čo je nesmierne dôležité, čo je na hodinách angličtiny inými lektormi často prehliadané. Myslím si, že je to skvelý tréner na ceste učenia angličtiny.
Helena, Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughtful review. I'm truly glad to hear that you've found value in my teaching approach. Your feedback about my focus on pronunciation and intonation in English is greatly appreciated. I believe that these aspects play a crucial role in effective communication and language learning. I'm committed to supporting you on your journey to mastering English and am excited to continue guiding you as your coach. Your dedication to learning is inspiring, and I'm honored to be a part of your progress. Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions or need further assistance. Keep up the great work! Best regards, An'ton