de două ori mai rapid!Plan de învățare personalizat disponibil la acest profesor
Instructor de engleză certificat TED TALKS
Evaluările elevilor
Perfect :)
Yulia, thank you for your feedback. It's always enjoyable to have a talented artist here. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Fred este un profesor grozav care are o calitate scăzută a conexiunii la internet.
Dear Sefa Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on our session. I apologize if the quality did not meet your expectations. Please feel free to share any specific issues you encountered during our session. I am here to help troubleshoot and ensure a better experience for you. Again, I'm sorry to hear that you've had anything less than a great experience, and I appreciate the opportunity to address any concerns directly.
Mulțumesc pentru lecții. Ești cel mai bun.
Thanks dear. I see you getting better and better. nice job Nursad!
Fred este un profesor excelent, foarte răbdător și atent la nevoile elevilor săi. Din câte văd (am avut o singură lecție de probă până acum), cel mai probabil, orele cu el vor fi cu adevărat eficiente. Ei bine, voi încerca.
Dear Kate, Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It's a pleasure to be able to provide the most straightforward ways of improvement.
Mă bucur foarte mult de cursurile cu Fred.
Obrigada It's fantastic to have a beach volleyball champion here in the session. I hope you'll find the learning strategies to be productive and beneficial to your experience.