Tutor di inglese certificato TESOL specializzato in grammatica, vocabolario, scrittura, lettura e ortografia
Era on-line mese scorsoInsegnaIngleseParlaInglese(madrelingua), Francese, Cinese mandarinoSpecialitàCertificato:TESOLPrepararsi per gli esamiParlare con le personeImparare le basiMigliorare le competenzeInteressi
Danza fitness
My name is Sanele and I am 29 years old living in Durban south africa. I enjoy playing netball because I get to interact with people and form friendships through everyday easy conversations.
I have taught English to High school students in Mandeni Local high school for 1 year and I have a TESOL Certificate
I will be focusing on pronunciation, grammar correction, reading, writing and spelling of words and also focusing on helping students be able to have day to day conversations with their local people using English as the medium of communication.