Titolare certificato TEFL. Personalità radiofonica
Era on-line 2 mesi faInsegnaIngleseParlaInglese(madrelingua), AfrikaansSpecialitàCertificato:TEFLPrepararsi per gli esamiLavorareParlare con le personeImparare le basiPer bambiniMigliorare le competenzeInteressi
I am a young vibrant lady from South Africa, I am 26 years old and I truly love teaching.
In my spare time I journal, it gives me a calm mind and one gets to sharpen your grammar skills. I finished high school in 2016 and there after I went to university where I completed my BA in psychology and tourism management degree.
I have taught English to students at a primary school at contact level, for a year.
I want to reach my goal with all of my students to take them from beginner level to advanced level, and I will be applying my skills and experience into our classes. I will make use of resources and also incorporate social media information to improve the understanding.