Alisha Bheriyani
18 lezioni
Insegnante di lingua inglese e francese | Educatore appassionato con anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento a tutte le età
Era on-line ieriInsegnaIngleseFranceseParlaInglese(madrelingua), FranceseSpecialitàLavorareParlare con le personeImparare le basiPer bambiniMigliorare le competenzeInteressi
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Hi everyone, my name is Alisha Bheriyani. I am from Kampala, Uganda. I love meeting new people and sharing my knowledge with them! I have always been passionate about teaching and I know self development is not easy but we can go on this journey together and help each other grow and become better!
I have taught a range of age groups, from young children of 0 - 5 yrs (ECD level) all the way up to senior citizens of 60yrs. I know the needs of each age group varies and so I am ready to cater to their language growth needs in wherever they are at their journey
My lessons and teaching style is very free flowing, I have a lot of downloadable material that can be used for practice and honestly practice makes perfect! The more you practice with me and without me, the more confident you will become! And I would love for that to happen for you!!
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